Interactive Ramadan Lecture
Manage your feelings and emotions your way to leadership
As part of Ramadan’s activities, Al-Taalouf Cultural and Social Association held an interactive lecture with trainer Zaid Saadallah Hamza
At the Sultan Center of Scholars Burqail
That day Sunday 4 Ramadan 1439 AH
It was a summary of the lecture
Understand your feelings and the feelings of others
Control your feelings and the feelings of others
Motivate yourself and motivate others
Based on the Quranic and prophetic rules
The Almighty
(If a man touches him with fear, and if he is touched by the good, he is forbidden, except for those who pray, who are the ones who pray)
Man is a mass of feelings and emotions and is not controlled only by worshipers who manage and guide their emotions and emotions
Lecturer then touched on the rules of emotional intelligence, which is the way to qualify the elites to lead the community note that the society is hungry for good leadership
Emotional Intelligence Rules:
1. understand the feelings and feelings of others
2. Techniques to control positive and negative emotions
3. Expression to others
4. Emotion required which is anger to God and not to the self and that this anger delegate has become weak when the elites of the nation.
We thank the organizers of the Forum of Goodness and Development and the Society of Consistency for this kind interactive meeting